Nov 9, 2009

Google Analytics - Installation Guide

Need to know who is reaching your site, from where, which page they visited, etc. Google Analytics Tool (Free) provides comprehensive information about site traffic, visitor information and activities within the website. Follow below steps to complete the installation process:

1. Sign-up with Google Analytics or use existing Google Account (Gmail)

2. Type the website address without http:// and click continue after filling other details

Google Analytics Account

3. Finally reaching to “Add Tracking Code” page with three different options:

  • Tracking single site.

  • Site having many sub-domains.

  • Trailing Multiple Domains.

  • Tracking Mobile sites.

  • Traditional analytics code.

Analytics Tracking Code

Google provides unique code while choosing each option. ("UA-XXXXXXXX-X") is the identity and will generate unique analytics code for each site.

Finally provided code has to be placed immediately before closing of the "" tag. Also you can easily integrate existing Google Adword campaigns and track conversions with the analytics account. Following above steps will be more helpful to track site performance

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