May 28, 2009

Title and META Tags Optimization

Title Tags

Tags appear on the top left corner of the web page. Defines title for the web page and highlighted in search-engine results. Also, it provides quick information about the page. Still major search engines give more importance for the “Title Tag” information’s.

Simple procedure to develop perfect Title tag for your website:

  • Prepare unique title tag for each page.
  • Repeat the keywords within the title tag.
  • Use “|” symbol to separate the keywords.
  • Don’t exceed 63 characters since search engines gives priority for the first 63 characters of title tag.

META Description Tags

Element provides short description or summary of the page. It is developed for both search engines and human visitor purpose. Generally in search results first two line of the content will be displayed as the description. So create a meaningful description tag related to the page information. When visitor get into search results page they will be reading Title and two line description of each result to choose the best related website.

Basic instructions to develop META tag for your website:

  • Prepare unique META description tag for all the pages related to content.
  • Repeat the targeted keywords twice within the tag.
  • Don’t stuff the keywords.
  • Make sure description length is not exceeding 170 characters.

Excluding Google other search engines are giving much priority for this tag information.

META Keywords Tags

Most of the crawlers are not supporting META keyword tag. This tag helps to list the keywords targeted for specific pages. Only few crawlers support this tag information’s.

META Robots Tags

This tag specifies whether search engine should crawl the content or not. Crawlers index the page content when the tag is not filled within the page. Most of the major search engines support robots tag.

1 comment:

Devendra Prakash Jaiswal said...

Title tags and meta tags are base of SEO. nice blogs about meta tags.